
Queste sono le differenze tra la revisione selezionata e la versione corrente della pagina.

english:04._create_edit:02_load_strategy [2009/05/20 17:46]
marco creata
english:04._create_edit:02_load_strategy [2013/09/29 17:37] (versione corrente)
Linea 1: Linea 1:
====== Load Strategy ====== ====== Load Strategy ======
With this function we can recover a previously saved strategy and to load it in the section of window destined to the data analysis and to the graph.  \\ With this function we can recover a previously saved strategy and to load it in the section of window destined to the data analysis and to the graph.  \\
-\\ IMAGE  \\ 
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english/04._create_edit/02_load_strategy.1242834374.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 2013/09/29 17:37 (modifica esterna)