Verify Research

This function is conceived for allowing us to analyze in detail what Fiuto has sought according to our basic evaluations and to the strategies that we have deemed more consistent to face the specific market phase.
The central section of the screen is organized in 5 separate sections.


Departing from left of upper side to arrive to the right of lower one, fistful we find the list of the results gotten by the search of the best opportunities for that strategy. With a click on the column’s heading we can order the strategies according to a specific parameter. If we want a further arrangement we will make click on the heading of the next level, maintaining pressed the key Shift.
The width of the columns is sizable as you like.


From the upper section on the right we can apply filters in order to delete immediately the results that don't answer to our parameters. Chosen the “property”, with a click on “operator” we can choose the appropriated function from the popup menu and to insert then the parameter in the corresponding line of the column “value”. If it is an absolute value, we will activate the specific box at the bottom of the line. As last operation, we will activate the filter of the first column.

The progressive application of filters will limit step by step the prompted results in order to propose only those that match every one of our parameters and Fiuto will hide the results of all those combinations that don't answer to what required.
With a click in any point of the result line, we transfer the underlined strategy in the central section of the screen. Contemporarily it will be activated both the section devoted to the strategy properties and the graph of payoff, situated in the low section of the screen and that have already been analyzed in detail in “Create/Edit.”

On the left side of the screen we find 4 keys.


english/07._verify_research/start.txt · Ultima modifica: 2013/09/29 17:37 (modifica esterna)