====== PlayOptions - Fiuto 1.0 Beta ======
welcomes you to the online helper of the Fiuto 1.0 Beta software.
The Fiuto software manual has been realized in a format allowing its continuous evolution. \\
\\ Besides the sections devoted to the introduction and to a super fast Help being able to put everybody in condition to begin, the manual is organized **in 6 pages** composing **the 6 software activities**. \\
\\ In every page it is then explained and illustrated each single function available through its selection with special keys. \\
\\ Every users will be able in fact to write their add/comments that, after having been filtered by the staff, will be made available as extension of this manual. \\
\\ The purpose is that it, besides to be an exhaustive manual always updated, be reference Help as well for calculation, knowledge and use of Options. \\
\\ [[english:01._Introduction to the Fiuto's world:start| Chapter 1 - Introduction to the Fiuto's world]] \\
[[english:02._how_to_start:start| Chapter 2 - How to start]] \\
[[english:03._underlying:start|Chapter 3 - Underlying]] \\
[[english:03. underlying:01. Save Image]] \\
[[english:03. underlying:02. Info]] \\
[[english:03. underlying:03. Indicators]] \\
[[english:03. underlying:04. Delete Indicators]] \\
[[english:03. underlying:05. Studies]] \\
[[english:03. underlying:06. Time Frame]] \\
[[english:03. underlying:07. Data View]] \\
[[english:03. underlying:08. Zoom In]] \\
[[english:03. underlying:09. Zoom Out]] \\
[[english:03. underlying:10. Manual Zoom]] \\
[[english:03. underlying:11. Zoom Restore]] \\
[[english:04._create_edit:start|Chapter 4 - Create/Edit]] \\
[[english:04. create/edit:01 Reset Operations]] \\
[[english:04. create/edit:02 Load Strategy]] \\
[[english:04. create/edit:03 Save Strategy]] \\
[[english:04. create/edit:04 Add to Portfolio]] \\
[[english:04. create/edit:05 Calculate Margins]] \\
[[english:04. create/edit:06 Open Interest]] \\
[[english:04. create/edit:07 Volatility Smile]] \\
[[english:04. create/edit:08 Zooms Setup]] \\
[[english:04. create/edit:09 Ask for Evaluation]] \\
[[english:04. create/edit:10 Send Strategy]] \\
[[english:04. create/edit:11 Receive Strategy]] \\
[[english:05._analyze:start|Chapter 5 - Analyze]] \\
[[english:05. Analyze:01 Sight Probability]] \\
[[english:05. Analyze:02 Sight Volatility]] \\
[[english:05. Analyze:03 Sight Properties]] \\
[[english:05. Analyze:04 Simulation]] \\
[[english:05. Analyze:05 Open Interest Cross]] \\
[[english:05. Analyze:06 Add to the Portfolio]] \\
[[english:05. Analyze:07 Ask for Evaluation]] \\
[[english:05. Analyze:08 Open interest]] \\
[[english:05. Analyze:09 Volatility smile]] \\
[[english:05. Analyze:10 What if]] \\
[[english:06._research_activity:start|Chapter 6 - Research Activity]] \\
[[english:06. research activity:01 All Simbols]] \\
[[english:06. research activity:02 Any Simbol]] \\
[[english:06. research activity:03 All Strategies]] \\
[[english:06. research activity:04 Bearish Strategies]] \\
[[english:06. research activity:05 Trading-Range Strategies]] \\
[[english:06. research activity:06 Bullish Strategies]] \\
[[english:07._verify_research:start|Chapter 7 - Verify Research]] \\
[[english:07. verify research:01 Send to Create/Edit]] \\
[[english:07. verify research:02 Add to Portfolio]] \\
[[english:07. verify research:03 Disable Filters]] \\
[[english:07. verify research:04 Choose Details]] \\
[[english:08._portfolio:start|Chapter 8 - Portfolio]] \\
[[english:08. Portfolio:01 New Portfolio]] \\
[[english:08. Portfolio:02 Delete Portfolio]] \\
[[english:08. Portfolio:03 Add Strategy]] \\
[[english:08. Portfolio:04 Add All]] \\
[[english:08. Portfolio:05 Remove Strategy]] \\
[[english:08. Portfolio:06 Remove All]] \\
[[english:08. Portfolio:07 Delete Strategy]] \\
[[english:08. Portfolio:08 Send to Create/Edit]] \\
[[english:08. Portfolio:09 Calculate Margins]] \\
[[english:09. Help]] \\
[[http://www.playoptions.it|Accedi qui al sito di PlayOptions]]